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Fermat provides factory classes to make it easier to get instances of the various Value classes. The available factories are:

All factories are classes that have only static methods and constants.

The Collections Factory Class

The Collections factory class currently has no methods or constants, and exists as a placeholder.

The Numbers Factory Class

The Numbers factory class provides a way to use the Value classes which implement the SimpleNumberInterface in Fermat without being as specific as those classes may require. Consider the following code:

Available Factory Methods

The following factory methods are available on the Numbers class. For full signature descriptions, please see the Source Reference section for the Numbers class.


This factory method returns an instance of DecimalInterface or FractionInterface, depending on the $type given and the $value provided.

Type Can Be An Instance

Instead of providing a fully qualified class name for $type, you can provide an instance of a supported object. The make() function will attempt to force the $value into that type.

Type Must Be A Supported FQCN or Class

If $type is the fully qualified class name or instance of an object other than ImmutableDecimal, MutableDecimal, ImmutableFraction, or MutableFraction, an exception of type Samsara\Exceptions\UsageError\IntegrityConstraint is thrown.


This factory method will create a base-10 instance of $type using the provided $value, then convert that value in the $base provided. This allows you to provide a $value in base-10, but get an instance in a different base.


This factory method will coerce the given $value into the requested $type. Unlike using direct instantiation, this factory will perform all the correct conversions on the various possible values necessary to ensure a valid instance is constructed.

If the provided $value already matches the requested $type, then it is returned without modification. This makes the makeOrDont() factory ideal for accepting any possible valid constructor value as an input while also guaranteeing that your implementation is working with a particular value.

This is how the math operations such as add($num) are able to accept virtually any input directly.

Arrays of Values

An array can be provided as the $value argument to this function. If it is, then a recursive call on Numbers::makeOrDont() is made. This will be done at any level of nested arrays.

Low Cost Function Call

This factory method returns the provided value after only making a call to is_object() and a single use of instanceof if the provided $value matches the requested $type.

In general, it is written to build the requested $type in the most efficient way possible given the provided inputs.

This makes calls to this factory method very low cost from both a memory and computation perspective if you need the value to be a guaranteed instance of a particular class.

Mixed Argument Limitations

The $values argument is listed in this documentation as mixed. In fact, the valid input types are:

  • An integer
  • A float
  • A string that contains only a single number in base 10
  • A string that contains only a single number in base 10 with the i character at the end, denoting an imaginary value
  • An object that implements NumberInterface

If the provided $value matches none of these, an exception of type Samsara\Exceptions\UsageError\IntegrityConstraint is thrown.


This factory method will take a string as its input and provide an instance of either ImmutableFraction or MutableFraction depending on the value given for $type.

Type Must Be A Supported FQCN

If $type is the fully qualified class name of an object other than ImmutableFraction or MutableFraction, an exception of type Samsara\Exceptions\UsageError\IntegrityConstraint is thrown.

Value Must Contain at Most One Fraction Bar '/'

If $value contains more than one fraction bar, which is assumed to be represented by the character /, an exception of type Samsara\Exceptions\UsageError\IntegrityConstraint is thrown.


If no $scale is given, then the value is returned with a scale of 100. If a scale of 100 or less is requested, then the instance is constructed from the Numbers::PI constant. If a scale of greater than 100 is requested, then a call is made to ConstantProvider::makePi() which computes digits of pi using the most efficient computational method currently available.

Scale Must Be Positive

If a scale of less than 1 is requested, an exception of type Samsara\Exceptions\UsageError\IntegrityConstraint is thrown.


If no $scale is given, then the value is returned with a scale of 100. If a scale of 100 or less is requested, then the instance is constructed from the Numbers::TAU constant. If a scale of greater than 100 is requested, then a call is made to Numbers::makePi() which uses the methods described above, after which the result is multiplied by 2.

Scale Must Be Positive

If a scale of less than 1 is requested, an exception of type Samsara\Exceptions\UsageError\IntegrityConstraint is thrown.


This factory method is an alias for Numbers::makeTau().

Scale Must Be Positive

If a scale of less than 1 is requested, an exception of type Samsara\Exceptions\UsageError\IntegrityConstraint is thrown.


If no $scale is given, then the value is returned with a scale of 100. If a scale of 100 or less is requested, then the instance is constructed from the Numbers::E constant. If a scale of greater than 100 is requested, then a call is made to ConstantProvider::makeE() which uses a fast converging series to calculate digits of e.

Scale Must Be Positive

If a scale of less than 1 is requested, an exception of type Samsara\Exceptions\UsageError\IntegrityConstraint is thrown.


If no $scale is given, then the value is returned with a scale of 100. If a scale of 100 or less is requested, then the instance is constructed from the Numbers::GOLDEN_RATION constant.

Scale Must Be 1-100

If a scale of less than 1 or greater than 100 is requested, an exception of type Samsara\Exceptions\UsageError\IntegrityConstraint is thrown.


If no $scale is given, then the value is returned with a scale of 100. If a scale of 100 or less is requested, then the instance is constructed from the Numbers::LN_10 constant. If a scale of greater than 100 is requested, then an exception is thrown.

Scale Must Be 1-100

If a scale of less than 1 or greater than 100 is requested, an exception of type Samsara\Exceptions\UsageError\IntegrityConstraint is thrown.


If $scale is null, then the instance returned will have a scale of 100.


If $scale is null, then the instance returned will have a scale of 100.