Using the Config File

If there is a roster.json file in your project root, Roster will attempt to use that file to configure the documentation build. You can also specify a config file using the --config-file option.

Configuration Schema

The repository contains a JSON Schema definition, in JSON Schema version 7.

This file can be downloaded from here:

This can be used to help your IDE validate your configuration file as you create it.

Example Config File With All Options

Below is an example config file with all options given values to illustrate how the config file can be written.

 2  "prefer-source": false,
 3  "with-version": "v0.2",
 4  "templates": "doc-templates/roster-templates-mkdocs",
 5  "mkdocs": {
 6    "site-name": "Roster - Docs From The Source",
 7    "site-url": "",
 8    "repo-url": "",
 9    "theme": "sphinx-rtd",
10    "auto-deploy": true,
11    "merge-nav": true,
12    "merge-nav-mode": "replace-nav-key",
13    "nav-key": "Source Reference"
14  },
15  "sources": [
16    {
17      "path": "./src",
18      "visibility": "protected",
19      "aliases": [
20        {
21          "namespace": "Samsara\\Roster\\",
22          "alias": "Core\\"
23        }
24      ]
25    },
26    {
27      "path": "../RosterModule/src",
28      "visibility": "public",
29      "aliases": [
30        {
31          "namespace": "Samsara\\Roster\\",
32          "alias": "Module\\"
33        }
34      ]
35    }
36  ]